Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bonsai Menu - Description

Bonsai Menu is a web application that provides an easy interface that will put you able to make a web menu with no need of knowing anything about computer programming, 

The site of bonsai menu has a simple interface, only four components:

- Menu, at the top on the right, that menu is there to give you a feedback of how your menu is getting at any change. Clicking in a button of that menu the menu will redirect you to the specified url, if you have the cookies enabled in your browser you can try it at no risk of losing the data that identify your menu.

- Change Panel, at the bottom on the right, that panel provides you an interface to change your menu.

- The Tree, on the left, she is the mirror of the menu, works like the windows explorer, selecting a node of the tree to change that menu component, if you select the node MenuBar the interface will give you a possibility to change the style of your menu.

- Code Text-Box, at the bottom, she have the code that you should copy-paste to your Blog.